mercoledì 21 luglio 2010

Still here

My back still hurts, so I'm very slow... in everything. But I'm writing letters, reading books, and recovering. :)

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Snail mail

Snail mail

Snail mail

Snail mail

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More about Etna. La genesi, le colate laviche, la visita ai crateri More about Introduzione alla pedagogia sociale More about La saggezza del bibliotecario More about Complete Letter Writer Pratiche della formazione More about Dire quasi la stessa cosa More about The Xenophobe's Guide to the English More about The Xenophobe's Guide to the Italians


3 commenti:

  1. 'Recovering' sounds the best!! Take good care of yourself, sweety <3 <3 And so much wonderful mail ^0^

  2. Oh, I love those Xenophobe books - I have the Dutch one! I wonder if there's one on New Zealanders...?

    I hope you're feeling better! Take care xx

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.


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